Over the past 10 years of working in Energy Medicine, I have seen many people get well and I have seen many people get more ill. Why? Don’t you think that’s a great question? Don’t you wish I was going to answer it? Well, I am going to try to give some opinions. There are reasons WAY above me that also apply. For some it’s their journey and until they get the lessons there is nothing anyone can do to help them. However, the good news is those are a small percentage of the population.
Don’t get me wrong. I am so excited about all the modalities out there and available to help us heal. I have tried many myself. Most out of curiosity and some to research what else I might want to do to help my clients, or refer them to other practitioners.
Here is a sad, but true story of a client. She is now passed. She came to me several years ago after she had two root canals. One on her stomach meridian and one on her ovary meridian. Shortly after she was diagnosed with ovarian and stomach Cancer. Coincidence? You decide. She did really well with sessions and was getting better, Cancer markers were down and she had more energy (Disclaimer: not making any claims here). She was also going the Western medicine route with chemotherapy and radiation as well as diet changes. She seemed really happy and hopeful. Then she got impatient and decided to go to another country and try a modality there. She stopped coming to see me for about a year or more and then when I saw here again she looked worn out and drained. I was shocked. I asked her what happened. She informed me of all the other modalities she had tried, and the new / experimental supplements she used to try to get better fast. She was going downhill so she came back to see me and we did several months of sessions once again. I encouraged her to stop the other modalities and “unproven” supplements so as not to confuse her body. I suggested she do one thing at a time and let the goodness of each one integrate and work properly. She agreed. She was happy and hopeful again. You can guess what I am going to say next. She went off to yet another country and did some other “treatments” and I didn’t see her for several months.
The third time she came back for help was the worst. I had an experience I have never had before. I looked at her face and it was gone (like a black shadow / aura from the neck up). I thought I was having an optical migraine because I used to have vision loss when I had migraines in the past. I looked away and then looked back again and saw the same image. It scared me. I called one of my associates and he told me that she was dying quickly and she would not last another two months. He ended up being right. She asked me what he said. I didn’t know what to say and felt it to be irresponsible to tell her the exact words because we all have free will and he may have been wrong. She was considering another international trip for more “healing” and I simply told her that she should go see her family and take a break from “healing” for a little while. She did go visit her grandchildren and that was the last trip she took.
What I am hoping to impart on people is that the body is a precious instrument and you can confuse it and do too much. Please enjoy all the lovely modalities in our world, but give them the respect they deserve. Don’t do one thing after another without the proper integration times. It’s not healthy and it makes the body spin out of control. Don’t keep pounding the body all the time. Honor it, love it and listen to it. It does and will communicate with you. Listen to your practitioner / healer and ask them how long before their work integrates and follow the protocol they give to you. To be truthful, don’t go do these wonderful things if you aren’t going to follow the protocol and respect the healing. That’s just a waste of your time and money, as well as the practitioner / healers time.
Remember, there are no magic technologies or miracle healers out there. You have to be willing to do the work. We are all here to assist you on your healing journey, but we can’t do it for you.
Be One, Be in Joy!
Gail Lynn