Our Brand is about Love, Integrity, Reliability and Community. LOVE We believe that love heals all. By setting love as our intention, we strive to spread that intention to anyone we are in contact with. Our loving and caring nature is why we bring our non-invasive...
Warning: The F word is used in this podcast, but it’s great information and an engaging interview. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ascension-tech-birthing-the-harmonic-egg-with-gail-lynn/id1508420072?i=1000477118220 Ascension Tech – Birthing the...
As a soul-centered entrepreneur, I get how hard it can be to grow a business without sacrificing who you authentically are. I remember hearing speakers like Wayne Dyer, Marilyn Sherman, Roger Anthony and Suzy Orman who spoke to my heart. They felt authentic and...
Many locations are already open, or are opening soon in cities around the world. The Harmonic Egg is a sacred geometric chamber used to manifest health and wellness. It’s non-invasive, no-touch and it uses sound and light in a consistent and repeatable...
LOVE, ENERGY AND THE CORONAVIRUS by Adrianne L. Fahey, first published in ARCB News Journal, Summer 2020, Volume 30 “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” said President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1933 inaugural address to the nation. There was never a...